Leading the way in Health Tourism

Protocol of Endodontology


 Protocol of Endodontology


Endodontology’s target is to relief patient’s pain and finally to save their teeth from being extracted in order to be functional for many years.  Our main goal is the absolutely painless procedure for every patient at all stages.

Treatment protocol:

 Periapical X-Ray, vitality tests, clinical tests, periodontal check.

 Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment Plan.

 Tooth Preparation for root canal treatment (crown removal or crown lengthening).

 Apply local or block anesthesia.

 Placement of rubber dum.

 Complete carries removal, complete removal of old restorative materials, crown temporary restoration (if necessary) and access cavity.

 Working length determination (combination of X-ray and Apex locator).

 Chemomechanical preparation of root canals with proper irrigation liquids and NI-TI rotary instruments.

 Working length determination X-ray and root canal drying.

 Permanent feeling of the root canals with thermoplacized gutta-percha (system B & obtura).

 Placement of crown temporary feeling material.

 Post-operative X-ray.

 Informing patients – Giving instructions.

 Recall X-ray to 6 months to a 1 year.

In case of a tooth with symptoms the root canal therapy is not completed within an appointment, but there is an additional step at which we place the intra-canal antiseptic medicament and we wait for a period of at least 2 weeks.  All the other steps remain the same.

Pricing Table
